Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Frisby Family Christmas Letter

 Angel Floreck Photography
Merry Christmas to our family, friends, and the four random people who follow this blog! Despite the fact that this is ostensibly a professional blog, Jonathon had the brilliant idea to use it as our Christmas letter. I completely approved! Obviously….

This year has been a good year for us. You might have heard that Jonathon was able to get a new job and he loves it. It took him some time to get into the swing of things, but these days he is a Super Clerk. He’s been lucky to get to work the scouts, first by volunteering at the Raise the Bar scout camp in Ohio and more recently by being called to work with the Scouts in our ward. Between that and his new tablet (a Christmas present that didn’t make it under the tree) his time is well and truly taken up!

Christmas Cat photobomb
I’ve had some good news. While working with the wonderful people at Jefferson hospital I’ve gotten a lot healthier. I was officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few months ago which has been a huge relief. Putting a name to monster might not change much, but it makes me feel better. It’s meant a lot of changes, but they’ve been mostly welcome. For the first time in a long time, something I’m doing is actively making me feel better. I still have a ways to go, but I’m healthier then I was. I have high hopes of feeling even better soon. On top of that, I’m still going full bore on writing. I hope to have more good news on that department soon!

Lastly we added a new member to our family. She’s a little furry, but she loves being the baby of the house. Willow has flourished now that she ditched my parents dog and has taken over begging at the table.

We’re really excited about all the good things that have come and all the options it opens up to us in the future. We’re even more excited to spending a lovely Christmas at home. As a family we with you a very Merry Christmas!